v. The shifting of one's energy, causing personalized enlightenment, increased perspective, and a thrill of hopeful joy.

Perception and choice are driving forces behind all human behavior.

Perception Reframing is the shift in one's energy field when that individual receives new information or views an idea or event from a new perspective. This shift is similar to an epiphany, except that it occurs much deeper and life altering. Our perceptions create our reality. They are formed by experiences, and our interpretation of those experiences. Many are formed in childhood as we watch and observe how our parents or caregivers respond to life's ups and downs, but they can change throughout our lifetime. Most occur without conscious awareness, as we socialize into our cultures and circles of friends. Our perceptions are the lenses and biases through which we filter our observations and experience. Perception is the driving motive behind all human behavior. As we learn Truth and that truth is tested through experience of getting our basic needs and persistent desires met, we can become more confident in living a life that cannot be shaken. "Seek, and ye shall find" (Matthew 7:7-8 KJV)

Hyrum W. Smith (1943-2019), founder of Franklin Quest Co., explains with his Reality Model some of the ways our perspectives on life affect life outcomes and the power we have to change and improve on them.