v. The shifting of one's energy, causing personalized enlightenment, increased perspective, and a thrill of hopeful joy.

Coaching with Janell

Life Coaching * communicatinglove.com/Janell * 208.230.9848 * Schedule Today *

 Coaching With Janell

Certified Professional Coach

My goal is to help you BE the best YOU.

What is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching is a goal-focused support that helps you identify and prioritize your goals to maintain balance and momentum. 

By guiding you to ask the right questions about yourself and the challenges you face, Janell will take you on a journey of self-reflection and choice-making to propel you toward a better future. 

This journey is unique to you, but we will frequently refer back to research-based psychological and basic human needs to pinpoint sources of motivation to move you in a forward direction.

LIFE Coaching Session - $85 for a limited time

Get assistance with clarifying and focusing your goals, while identifying barriers that have been keeping you from reaching them.

**Earn 10-min EVOX Biofeedback Boosters by completing homework from your sessions!

LIFE Coaching Family Session - $85 for a limited time

Bring a trusted support and by improving communication between the two of you, you will help me train them to be your 24/7 on-call coach and personal Cheerleader!

****Earn 10-min EVOX Biofeedback Boosters by completing homework from your sessions!

Biofeedback Energy Balancing and Affirmation Scan - $65 for one session, or $300 for six 30-min sessions. Schedule six sessions in advance. If something comes up, send someone in your place for a relaxing recentering escape.

What is EVOX?

Evox is a bio-feedback energy balancing technology that uses a process known as ‘Perception Reframing’ to help clients overcome limiting thoughts and beliefs. 

“There is a certain non-subjective element to the Evox tool that can help clients resolve questions they do not have enough information to ask. The Evox is one of many tools that have been invented to assist in the physical nature of positive change.”


When our emotions are grounded in the present, we are better able to align current truths about ourselves and our situation, allowing us to make healthy and adaptive choices for positive and progressive growth--When our emotional eyes are clear of the past, we have greater power to ‘discern the difference,’ as described in Niebuhr’s Serenity Prayer:  

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

* 208.230.9848 * Schedule Today *